Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission (BJSC) is responsible for assessing candidates for appointments at the entry-level of the Bangladesh Judicial Service by conducting examinations. The entry-level post at the Judicial Service is Assistant Judge/Judicial Magistrate. A person may apply for the post if s/he is:
(i) a citizen of Bangladesh;
(ii) obtained LL.B degree with 2nd class or LL.M. degree with 2nd class from any recognized university; and
(iii) having the age not exceeding 30 years.
The assessment is primarily a process of examination in three stages.
Preliminary examination: The candidates must sit for a 100 marks MCQ-type examination and secure at least 55 marks to sit for written examination.
Written examination: The candidates who passed the preliminary examination will sit for 1000 marks written examination.
Viva: The candidates who secured the required score in the written examination will face the viva examination.
Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission (BJSC) has restructured and amended the syllabus for Assist. Judge Exam by the power vested by Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission Rules, 2006 Rule 7 of the Bangladesh Judicial Service (Service Formation, Appointment and Temporary Dismissal, Dismissal and Removal) Rules, Rule 5 of 2006, and with the approval of the President, further amended the Admissions to Bangladesh Judicial Service Order, 2006.
Download SRO issued by BJSC amending Syllabus of Assist. Judge Exam
Compulsory General SubjectsTotal 400 of 1000 Marks
General Bengali
General English
Bangladesh and International Affairs
Bangladesh Affairs – 50 marks
International Affairs – 50 marks
General Mathematics and Everyday Science
General Mathematics – 50 marks
Everyday Science – 50 marks
Compulsory Law SubjectsTotal 400 of 1000 Marks
Laws related to Civil matters –.
Concepts off Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and related laws including but not limited to:
ADR Mechanism in the Code of Civil Procedure 1908
ADR Mechanism in the Family Laws Ordinance 1961
ADR Mechanism in the Family Courts Ordinance 1985
ADR Mechanism in the Artha Rin Adalat Ain 2003
ADR Mechanism in the Gram Adalat Ain 2006
ADR Mechanism in the Conciliation of Dispute (Municipal) Board Act 2004
Laws related to Criminal matters –.
Laws related to Family matters –.
Muslim Law
Hindu Law
Other Laws:
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939
Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961
Family Courts Ordinance, 1985
Constitutional Law, General Clauses Act and Interpretation of Statute –.
Interpretation of Statutes
Property Related Laws –.
Optional Law Subjects
Any One from the list
Total 200 of 1000 Marks
Optional Subject – 1.
Children Act 2013
Legal Aid related laws:
including but not limited to:
Legal Aid in the Code of Civil Procedure 1908
Legal Aid Rules 2001
Drug Control Act 2018
Optional Subject – 2.
Laws related to the prevention of corruption.
Law and Order Disruption Offence (Speedy Trial) Act, 2002
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
The Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act, 2012
Digital Security Act, 2018