BPTC Timetable for 2014/15

BPTC 2015 application process starts on 10th November 2014 with the first round applications



BPTC 2015 application process starts on 10th November 2014 with the first round of applications which must be submitted through barprofessionaltraining.org.uk. Candidates are strongly advised to submit their applications as early as possible. For the list of BPTC Providers please visit HERE.
The online application process timetable is:
  • 10 November 2014 – The system opens for applicants for September 2014 
  • 12 January 2015 – Closing date for first-round applications
  • 5 March 2015 – Offers start to be released from first-round applications 
  • 2 April 2015 – Acceptance deadline for first-round offers (2.00pm)
  • 15 April 2015 – New clearing round applications and unsuccessful first-round applications are released to providers (2.00pm)
In order to ensure the security of their place on BPTC, students must log in and accept their place through BPTC Online in both the first and the clearing rounds.
Offers are released continuously in the clearing round. There is no set date by which all offers will have been made in this round.
  • 31 May 2015 (yet to be confirmed) – Closing date for application to an Inn of Court – you must be a member of an Inn to commence a BPTC
Students are strongly warned that if there is likely to be a problem with your application to an Inn, please ensure that you apply as early as possible as this may mean that you cannot start a course if your membership is not confirmed in time for enrolment.
  • 1 September 2015 – Clearing round closes (2.00pm) – No new applications
  • 11 September 2015 – The system closes (2.00pm)
Visit: Bar Standard Board for more information.