High Court Permission Exam Form Fill-up Postponed until further Notice

Due to the potential outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19) in Bangladesh, Bar Council today has issued a notice postponing the form fill-up schedule for the MCQ Examination for High Court Permission until further notice.

Bangladesh Bar Council has recently introduced a three-steps (MCQ-Written-Viva) High Court Permission Examination instead of a two-steps (Written-Viva) High Court Permission Examination. Bar Council, on 29th December 2019, has invited the eligible candidates to fill-up the form to appear for the MCQ Examination for High Court Permission and the last date of the submission of the form was set 31st March 2020.
However, due to the potential outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19) in Bangladesh, Bar Council today has issued a notice postponing the form fill-up schedule for the MCQ Examination for High Court Permission until further notice.